Cleaning Up My Act: Week One


So, I set out my objectives for cleaning up my act in my previous post and after much thought, deliberation and taking inspiration from various different sources – I’ve decided on a Nutrition Plan for Week #1.

Over the past couple of months, I’ve taken a gigantic step away from a generally healthy lifestyle and have been #eatingdirty, by indulging in the worst kind of foods: high calorie, high sugar and high refined carbohydrates – all washed down with copious amounts of alcohol.

I joined a fantastic new gym in April 2014 and alongside eating well, I was looking and feeling good and approximately one stone (14lbs) lighter than I find myself today. However, life then, quite spectacularly, changed my path for the following four months. Cue, disordered eating and my focus shifting from achieving health-related goals to purely surviving but, there are no mistakes, only lessons. Hence, some of the approaches I’m going to include in my plans to clean up my act.

From experience, I know the fastest way to drop body fat would be to start an aggressive detox and enforce a diet purely made up of protein, plant foods, good fats and zero alcohol. I’m not going to do this. Why?

Firstly and most importantly, life is short. Over the years, I’ve spent endless weeks cutting out everything to the point where my only option was to either refuse social invitations or sit on the sidelines with a glass of water and an uninspiring meal whilst everyone else enjoyed themselves and after a while, with such a hardcore, self-depreciating plan and ‘all or nothing’ thinking –  every time, without exception, I’ve eventually fallen off the hypothetical wagon and ended up back at square one.

Secondly, especially at the moment, I need to be mindful of the factors affecting my ability to endure such an extreme nutrition plan. As anyone who has embarked on a similar detox and low carbohydrate plan will tell you, the first few weeks require serious mental strength to conqueror the withdrawal effects of removing food groups from the diet which, the body has become accustomed to receiving.

So, taking all of the above into consideration, my first week’s nutrition plan is going to focus on breaking my addiction to #eatingdirty, will be based around the ‘KISS‘ principle and look a little something like this:

– remove all foods with added sugar

– remove all refined carbohydrates

– eat more protein

– 1 x protein shake directly after training

– eat organic rice, quinoa, sweet potatoes, new potatoes & oats (after training, where possible)

– drink 2.5-3 litres of pure filtered water & herbal tea per day

What I’m not going to do:

– count calories

– stick to set macro-nutrient ratios

– cut out fruit (it contains too many useful nutrients to remove altogether and will help with satiety)

– cut out all dairy (I take my coffee black so have no need to include milk but will continue to eat: live natural yoghurt and, occasionally, substitute other protein sources for light Halloumi, Ricotta and Emmental cheese)


In a nod to my dearly-departed Grandpa, who lived until the grand old age of 89 and a big fan of Champagne; my attitude to alcohol is going to be one of celebration and if an occasion warrants being celebrated, then that’s what I’ll do. However, I will stick to Champagne, Margarita’s, Daiquiris or other spirits with low calorie or pure fruit mixers.

Follow Up:

I will check progress after one week and if progress is satisfactory and I feel good – then I’ll continue. If not, I will change things and continue from there.

I have my starting weight and measurements but, a lady never divulges such information – so I’ll keep them to myself 🙂


Image: Guardian